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I have compiled a list to help any collectors or artists understand more about my NFT plan. Hopefully, this can help you decide if my artwork is right for you to invest. If you need more information please drop me a line on Twitter or pop into my Discord.


Why am I in this NFT space?

NFT offers a unique opportunity for me to create digital art the way I want using my skills and experience. I believe NFT has a strong potential to be with us for the long term.

Will I ever lower my NFT prices that have been minted?

Once my work has been minted and set with a price, I will not lower that price. Where I can control the value of my work I will do so. Protecting the investment of people who believe in me has greater value.


There will be occasion when I will set introductory or early bird prices as a way to promote my work. The decision will be announced to the public before minting any work.


All pricing structure is base on what I value my project. I will not move price base on coin fluctuation going higher or lower. However, over time I may consider moving my newly release NFTs price up. Even though I consider myself experienced in my field, I will continue to learn and improve my skills to make more wonderful art. Hence it is reason to shift my prices higher over time and to also add value my collectors.


Will I burn any of my work?

I will consider burning pieces sometime down the track for various reason to maintain value of my work. However at this stage I believe my work still holds value.


Will my work be of high quality?

My aim as an artist is to always create high quality art. With the NFT space, I'm not confined to deadlines. So I can spend more time making wonderful pieces that will last a lifetime. I have structured my work in categories where I mint in limited editions or sell multiples to make it more available for the general public to collect. My project is not base on quantity, so there will not be 10,000 generated art collections, it will be pure hand crafted mouse clicking and visually design with the heart.

What collection is available with my design?

Cutie Quirks - OpenSea

High quality cute collectibles. Currently working full-time on this project and will continue to grow it. Taking everything I have learnt in the NFT space and applying to this project to make it great for collectors and the community.

Odd Eggs - Hic Et Nunc

Quality work at an affordable price due to the increase in editions and quicker production time. Due to Hic Et Nunc as a platform being comprise early in June 2021, I'm no long minting any new artwork for this collection for now. However I have been able to take my learnings to apply it to my Cutie Quirks collection.

Mini Machines - Rarible

Derived from Cyber Machines, premium quality where I share some of the concept from Cyber Machines to make infant character version for the Rarible platform.

Yummy Crypto - OpenSea
These are food art in the form of 3D voxels. My very first NFT collection.


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